← Bristol Western Harbour
In June 2021, Bristol City Council appointed a creative team led by Turner Works to carry out a creative engagement programme leading to a Place Vision for the western end of Bristol’s Floating Harbour.
Through this city-wide creative engagement programme, partly facilitated through local partners, the team set out to listen to the people of Bristol, recording their hopes and ideas for this area. The activities aimed to reach Bristolians in the immediate vicinity of the project area and wider city of Bristol to enable a diverse population across the city to share their views on what the Place Vision could be.
The engagement was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, qualitative ‘deep dive’ workshops were carried out delving into what people value about Western Harbour and what they would change. This surfaced eight key themes about Western Harbour. In the second phase of engagement the eight themes were tested and developed through a month long exhibition, technical as well as public visioning workshops to co-create a Place Vision for Western Harbour.
The vision for Western Harbour sets out themes and commitments for the area. Together the Place Vision and engagement report directly inform the next stage of development for the area by forming part of the briefing documents for the commissioning of a masterplan.
Throughout the engagement Western Harbour has emerged as a special part of a fantastic city. Western Harbour is city edge and gateway. Its successful development, launched from its diverse voices, is critical for the city’s future.
Bristol City Council
Ibolya Feher
Caleb Parkin & Tom Sastry
Key Collaborators:
Burgess & Beech
The Place Bureau