I believe the success of a project must have three key elements at its core; accessibility, engagement and sustainability. Each element puts people at the foreground; questioning who is heard in the process? Who can access it? And how will it impact its users and the community around it?
Turner Works allows me to test all three simultaneously, creating people-led design that creates real positive change with creative outputs. Hackney bridge is a project that captures these three key elements. As a Meanwhile project, it was designed for disassembly. Once it reaches the end of its life in Hackney, it has the opportunity to start a new one in another location. This project has created affordable spaces to help start-ups and new communities of creatives have a new cultural destination to explore.
With a background in Architecture & Environmental Engineering and a deep interest in Intersectional Feminism I am interested in bringing these expertise into each project we engage with, challenging the current systems and breaking down barriers to make for a more accessible, and therefore a more creatively challenging, profession.